How do I edit my default translations?

Edits to your default translations can be made directly in the context of your translated pages from your GlobalLink Web Studio.

The GlobalLink Web Studio is only accessible from the Desktop app. If you haven't already, download the Desktop app from your User dropdown menu in the top right corner of your dashboard.

Once on the GlobalLink Web app, navigate to the Translations > Languages page and click on the external link to Studio next to the applicable target language that you want to edit.

Once inside the GlobalLink Web Studio, you will see your translated website displayed in the pane on the left, where you can freely navigate like a regular user. As you navigate to each page from this left-hand pane, you will see all of the segments on that page displayed in a bilingual table in the right-hand pane. In this bilingual table, your source text is on the left and the editable translations are on the right.

To edit any of your default translations, simply click into the relevant target box in the right-hand pane and make your changes. As you make edits to the translations, you will see your changes taking effect on your translated page in real time on the left.

To target a specific block on the page for editing, right-click on the relevant text on your translated page. This action will load only the segment(s) in that block in the bilingual table on the right.

There is also a search feature above the bilingual table on the right, which is useful for repetitive terms or phrases on your page that you want to edit all at once. The search feature will work on both source text and translated text.

Once your edits are complete, remember to click the blue Save button in the top right corner of your Studio. The Save button will track the number of unsaved changes you made during your review session.

Any changes made in the Studio will be immediately published to your global audience upon clicking the Save button.