What happens if I go over or under my Words Served?

If you go over your Words Served threshold, don't worry; you won't be charged overages. We don't want to put a hard cap on words delivered and risk a substantially degraded experience for your customers, so your website will continue to be translated.

If you go over your limit, we will notify you and suggest that you upgrade to a higher tier if you expect your usage to continue at this rate. If it's just a one-time thing, then nothing needs to change. If your account persistently runs over your words served threshold, your translation delivery will be automatically throttled.

If you go under your Words Served threshold, you can downgrade to a more appropriate tier at your next billing cycle.

You can monitor your Words Served usage on your dashboard, which will help you settle on the right long-term plan.

If you operate a website with very high traffic and you are worried about Words Served limits (or if you've already exceeded the highest Words Served threshold), please contact us to enroll in (or convert to) GlobalLink GO Unlimited.